Families in Burlington County who have dealt with adoption know that there are often many emotional aspects associated with the process. Each family may deal with the situation differently in terms of revealing the circumstances surrounding the adoption. People who are adopted as children often wonder about their birth parents and many choose to seek out their parents’ identities upon becoming adults.
A new rule that takes in effect in 2017 will make that process easier. While in the past, adoptees had to pursue a court order in order to find out who their birth parents are, that information will now be made available without going to court. Parents who gave children up for adoption before Aug. 1, 2015, and wish to remain anonymous have until the end of the year to request that their names be removed from their children’s birth certificates.
Thanks to changes in what is deemed socially acceptable, many of the reasons that people used to have for giving babies up for adoption are no longer considered taboo. Another key motivation is providing adoptees with access to their family’s medical histories. In fact, birth parents who decide that contact from their children is okay must provide details of their family medical history along with the information on how they can be contacted.
Adoption can be a wonderful thing for many families but can also come with many complex legal questions. People who are dealing with issues involving adoption may wish to contact an attorney who is experienced in this area of law.
Source: NJ.com, “Birth parents of kids adopted in New Jersey need to read this now,” Claude Brodesser-Akner, Dec. 25, 2016