When a partner turns violent in Mount Holly, it can be difficult to know what to do. While, unfortunately, many incidences of domestic violence go unreported, some people do turn to the authorities to intercede when a spouse becomes physical. However, even when faced with charges, some offenders are set free, opening the door for further violence to occur.
That is what happened in one recent case in New Jersey. A man was arrested for an incident at a woman’s house where he assaulted her while threating her with a gun. However, despite the seriousness of the charges he faced, he was released. He later shot and killed the woman before killing himself. It is precisely cases such as this that has led the state Attorney General to institute a new measure that authorities hope will prevent attacks like this in the future.
Currently, judges consider a Public Safety Assessment when determining whether to release the accused until he or she faces trial. Now, how that person scores on an additional questionnaire will also be taken into consideration. The assessment consists of 13 questions that relate to prior assaults, the victim and the accused’s history. The higher the person scores, the more likely he or she is considered to be a high risk for perpetrating domestic violence again in the future.
The sad truth is that violence from a spouse or intimate partner is rarely an isolated incident. Anyone who is seeking information on their legal rights when a trusted partner physically harms them may wish to contact an experienced attorney.
Source: NJ.com, “How N.J.’s attorney general is trying to fight domestic violence,” Marisa Iati, July 11, 2017