Anyone who has been part of a contentious relationship in Mount Holly knows how difficult it can be psychologically to suffer abuse at the hands of a partner. However, when most people think of domestic violence, they imagine a woman’s abuse at the hands of a male partner. In truth, men can be victims too and often face added pressure when trying to cope with the situation.
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, physical abuse by a partner occurs in the lifetime of one out of every four men in this country. In addition, when that abuse is of a sexual nature, another male is more likely to be the perpetrator. Abuse can occur in different ways and is not always physical. A male can be intimated, stalked or controlled by either a male or female partner.
While any victim of abuse from a partner is likely to be scared and suffer from low self-esteem, being male can give added complexity to the situation, points out the Huffington Post. For one, men may think that laws protecting victims of partner abuse only apply to women are therefore unlikely to seek justice or protection. There is also the worry that if they report the abuse, they will either be seen as weak or will not be believed at all.
However, law enforcement officers are trained in recognizing signs of abuse. Men who are worried about being believed may wish to document incidences of violence and take pictures of any resulting injuries. Finally, while shelters and other agencies for victims of violence may be seen as being geared toward women, men are also able to take advantage of such resources.