In New Jersey family law cases, child support often leads to disagreements. Both parents want to ensure the child has everything they need to develop and thrive educationally, physically, emotionally and personally. However, the amount to be paid can be a source of contention.
Since there can be a wage and income disparity, the parents can meet sticking points on how much is to be paid. To address this, state law has put “income shares” in effect. As the case proceeds, the parents should be cognizant of how the support amount is determined in general and when incomes shares might be a factor.
Understanding income shares
The custodial parent and noncustodial parent are expected to share expenses in caring for the child just as they would if they did not part ways and continued with their relationship. Once they have chosen to end the marriage and child support is being determined, the court will look at their individual income and assets and try to come to a fair resolution.
Each parent’s income will be calculated and combined. If, for example, the mother earns more money than the father, the support amount will reflect that disparity. Once the percentages are calculated, the amount will be decided upon. It is based on how much the parents earn. It could be 55%-45% if that is the income split.
Of course, not every situation is the same and the court does not need to adhere strictly to these guidelines. A child with special needs would likely warrant a different amount as there are extenuating circumstances and costs to ensure the child is cared for properly. The parents could be wealthy and have substantial income and assets meaning that income shares is not applicable.
Parents should understand the key factors of child support orders
Beyond the basics of child support – income, the child’s needs, their age, parenting time, extracurricular activities and more – there are other relevant factors to think about such as calculating how much the parents earn. Income shares is part of that.
Regardless of who gets custody and how much the parents have or earn, it is important to know all the aspects of child support to reach a fair result. It is also vital for the child’s well-being and meeting their various needs. Having advice is fundamental from the beginning.